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【航拍 1440P】日本横滨之夜 - Yokohama Night

【航拍 1440P】日本横滨之夜 - Yokohama Night

Download 【航拍 1440P】日本横滨之夜 - Yokohama Night Wallpaper Engine Free non-steam required.

  •  What is Wallpaper Engine?
    • Wallpaper Engine Software allows you to use amazing live wallpapers on your computer desktop. You can choose from our site wallpaper engine best wallpapers that you like and easily make your desktop go live using this amazing software. Read: What is Wallpaper Engine? The Complete Guide.
  • What Types of Wallpapers Supported?
    • Several types of wallpaper engine wallpapers are supported and ready to use, Including 3D and 2D animations, websites, videos and even some applications.
  • About Performance
    • Wallpaper Engine was delicately built to deliver you an entertaining experience while using the minimum system resources as possible. Multiple options available inside the software to adjust the quality and performance to make Wallpaper Engine fully compatible with your computer capacities.

-视频原标题:Yokohama Night Aerial in 8K

-1440P视频,4770K CPU后台平均占用 8~15%,内存平均占用 200MB

-横滨(Yokohama) 是神奈川县的首府,日本第二大城市。东临东京湾,南与横须贺等城市毗连,北接川崎市。面积426.7平方公里,人口363万多。分为18个行政区,其中中区和西区是市中心,县、市政府以及横滨银行、高岛屋等百货公司均集中此。横滨的文化教育事业很发达,设有横滨国立大学、横滨市立大学、神奈川大学等多所高等院校和博物馆、图书馆等文化设施。横滨有各种各样的观光景点,主要有山下公园、港未来21地区、三溪园、横滨海洋塔、帆船日本丸和横滨港口博物馆、面包超人博物馆、新横滨拉面博物馆、八景岛海岛乐园、总持寺、弘明寺、伊势山皇大神宫、观港公园等。美丽的海滨港口大城市里,有许多风格各异的西洋建筑。


How To Use This Wallpaper

  1. Download Wallpaper Engine Software Free.
  2. Download this Wallpaper Engine theme.
  3. Extract & copy the downloaded file to this destination: [Wallpaper Engine] > Projects > Default projects.
  4. Need help? Read this Here.

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